Where to start, work, kids, Corona, more work, more kids stuff, more corona.. wow we are sure in for it in 2020. It has proven to be something of a rollercoaster so far..
But beer needs to be made, and consumed, so Even though activity has been less, progress has been made.
At this stage its about baby steps, little tweaks to recepies and process, that can improve just the next 1%..
In January I attended "Norsk ølfestival" that had many homebrewers show their best brews. Armed with a tasting glass, I scurried around and tasted over 40 brews!!
My take-away was simply that I make pretty decent beer. Many on display were actually quite mediocre.. So much that a "project" to also display some beers next year is in motion..
At least it did give motivation going forward.
Hopefully I can even convince my wife to assist in the pouring next year.. It was a good evening of fun, and I discovered that I am not alone in this strange hobby.